Easily manage leads, estimates and work orders in Estimate Rocket

Once your calendar starts to fill with lead follow ups, scheduled estimates, pending acceptance follow ups, scheduled work orders and reminders that invoices have not been paid Estimate Rocket can help you to effortlessly manage the chaos.

The built in project status' can include anything from a lead all the way to a fully paid project. The project status can definitely offer guidance for certain ares for your office manager to be kicking off actions.

Why Estimate Rocket?

Hybrid Dashboard

The dashboard is a hybrid list of items that are due or scheduled based on the date for the logged in user. The dashboard can include scheduled estimate, schedule work orders, to dos, tasks and even follow-ups on leads and pending projects and all all things assigned to the logged in user. Being able to toggle between the different time frames (Today, All, Late, Future) allows for a quick glimpse of the action items.  The dashboard also allows for the logged in user to see the dashboard of other employees or even all employees based on a set of permissions.

Projects View

The main projects view strips out the assigned to user filter the dashboard has and is a view of the projects for the entire organization.  Similar to the dashboard view the time context of Today, All, Late and All is still in place on the projects page but here there is additional filtering to show projects in specific phases such as estimates that are scheduled, work orders that are scheduled projects that are pending client approval.

Requires Attention

The projects view also has a requires attention button. The projects that display when this button is activated are ones that have been approved by the client but not moved forward into the work order phase yet. This is the obvious trigger for many organizations to get a deposit invoice into the field and move the project into work order pending schedule status.   

Quickly Tracking Your Projects at any Level


With Estimate Rocket you get: 

Why Estimate Rocket

Quick, Repeatable Estimates

Knowing your proposal price is accurate

Professional looking proposal and contract language

Easy to manage projects and activities

Manage Scope of work changes easily

Managing your job and your team

Budgeting time for a project

Easily communicate with your clients

Tracking down project details later

Managing contract disputes

Complete a sale on the spot with electronic signature

Invoice and payment tracking

Knowing your project status with reporting

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